C Language
Pre-requisite :
- Basic Computer Knowledge
Contents :
- Introduction to C
- Tokens, Expressions, Data Types,Operators
- Control Flow statements: Conditional,Iterative
- Functions
- Pointers
- Arrays: 1D, 2D
- Strings
- Storage Classes
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Structure, Union
- File Handling and Input Output Management
- Linked List
- Searching and Sorting techniques
- Miscellaneous: Command Line parameters, Pre-processor directives,
Variable number of parameters
Key Learnings :
- Ability to analyze problem statement and design algorithms
- Implement algorithms in C.
- Use Integrated Development environments (IDE) for development,execution and debugging applications.
- Understand memory level details of programming.
Recommended Next Course :
- Any Object oriented programming language like C++ (recommended), Java,C#
C++ Language
Pre-requisite :
- C Programming
Contents :
- Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
- Class and Object
- C++ as a better C
- Operator Overloading
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- File IO
- Exception Handling
- RTTI, Type Casting
- Templates
- Namespaces
- Standard Template Library
Key Learnings :
- Ability to analyze problem statement and develop a OOP design.
- Implement OOP design using C++.
Recommended Next Course :
- Advanced Technologies like .NET or Java